Ontario Regional Approach

First Nation language and curriculum is a priority area of the First Nations Life Long Learning Table (FNLLT). Work continues in this area to understand the needs of learners, schools and gaps in the education system to develop a path forward. This work is supported by the PTO’s FNLLT Coordinators.

Framework for Indigenous Language in Ontario Schools – Final Report – December 2021

For more information on the FNLLT please contact Karleigh.Palmer@coo.org

National Approach

The appointment of the Commissioner and Directors of the new Office of the Commissioner of Indigenous Languages were announced June 14, 2021.

  • Ronald E. Ignace, Commissioner
  • Robert Watt, Director
  • Georgina Liberty, Director
  • Joan Greyeyes, Director

The Indigenous Languages Act received Royal Assent on June 21, 2019.  The purpose of the act is to support the reclamation, revitalization, maintenance and strengthening of Indigenous Languages in Canada.

The Assembly of First Nations (AFN), Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), Metis National Council (MNC) and the Department of Canadian Heritage, are working together at the Joint Implementation Steering Committee towards implementation of the Indigenous Languages Act. Regional First Nation input is gathered through the AFN’s Technical Committee on Languages and the Chiefs Committee on Languages.

For more information on the National languages work please contact Angel.Maracle@coo.org