You are invited to submit a proposal for the Chiefs of Ontario’s project to produce a costing model for post-secondary student support and for First Nation administrators to support learners.
Please see the document: 24-04-26 COO RFP PSE Costing Model FINAL
Chiefs of Ontario (COO) supports all First Nations in Ontario as they assert their sovereignty, jurisdiction, and their chosen expression of nationhood. The main objective of the Chiefs of Ontario office is to facilitate the discussion, planning, implementation and evaluation of all local and regional matters affecting the First Nations people of Ontario. Guided by the Chiefs in Assembly, COO upholds the self-determination efforts of the Anishinaabek, Mushkegowuk, Onkwehonwe, and Lenape Peoples in protecting and exercising their inherent and Treaty rights.
In 2023, the COO Education Sector produced a Post-Secondary Engagement Report that contains forty-one (41) broad regional recommendations. The recommendations are derived from community-level engagement that examined the current suite of Indigenous Service Canada’s First Nation post-secondary education programs, the need of First Nation learners, and the need of First Nations to support their learners. The Report’s recommendations are intended to be a starting point as First Nations explore developing post-secondary education models to meet the needs of their learners and communities.
A major theme in the report is the lack of funding to properly support students pursuing post-secondary education as well as First Nations and First Nation organizations that support the students’ success in higher education. As the initial step to address the inadequacy, the COO Education Sector is seeking the services of a consultant to estimate adequate baseline costs of living supports for First Nation learners in Ontario attending post-secondary education as well as estimating costs for First Nation post-secondary education administrators to support the learners. This work will help inform the development of proposals for new regional models for post-secondary financial aid programs, policies and services for First Nation students in Ontario.
Submission Deadline: Date: May 16, 2024 Time: 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Receipt of Proposals:
Packages to be clearly marked: “RFP: COO Education Sector— First Nation Post-Secondary Support Costing Model” by
Submit electronically to:
Submissions received after the stated deadline will not be accepted.
Selection of consultant will be awarded the week of May 20, 2024.