Lake 88.1 – April 11, 2018
Fenik added, “I think any time we can support our First Nations people, Indigenous youth we should. I think it’s fair and equitable that our First Nations people put forward this plaque in memory of those people who suffered abuse in residential schools.”
Centennial Students Ready to Bring it On
Niagara this Week – April 11, 2018
“It’s going to be high energy, high octane and very acrobatic,” said Ingrao, who said producing a musical on even numbered years has been a long-standing tradition at the school. That tradition, started by former drama teacher Iraina Neufeld, is one that the school couldn’t let die according to Ingrao, noting the more upbeat production is a change of pace after last year’s production of Sisters in Spirit, a student-driven, award-winning drama tackling the issue of missing and murdered Indigenous women.
Construction Continues on Site Where Staff Will Help Some First Nations with Their Education Curriculum
My North Bay Now – April 10, 2018
In a few short months, the Kinoomaadziwin Education Body (KEB) will be operating on the Nipissing First Nation from its new head office headquarters. The 10 to 15 staff members who will occupy the building will be responsible for helping 23 First Nations in Ontario, including the Nipissing and Dokis First Nations, develop a curriculum for the on-reserve schools.
Saint John School Tries to Bridge Truth and Reconciliation Gap for Students
CBC News – April 11, 2018
“It’s in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation,” said Stevens. “In bringing awareness to residential schools and Indigenous and First Nations peoples’ histories and perspectives.” Perley told the teenagers about residential schools, and how the separation of families and loss of culture will affect Indigenous peoples for years to come. “How they were able to achieve that, this is what … Duncan Campbell Scott wrote,” Perley said. “He said, ‘save the man, kill the Indian.'”
Lamoureux Tells Teachers They Can be Part of the Solution
Timmins Press – April 9, 2018
“You didn’t do that. It’s not on you,” said Lamoureux. “The decision you have to make is, do I want to be part of the solution, even though I didn’t create the problem?” The University of Winnipeg Indigenous Affairs associate vice-president said most of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) 94 calls to action are about education and awareness. “Even though education was used as a weapon against children, schools of this district became places of healing for all of our children. We get to be the touchstone for something wonderful.”
Kairos Blanket Exercise Opens Doorway to Learn about Shared History
Anishinabek News – April 9, 2018
“It hit me really hard when the residential blanket was laid and also the one with the smallpox hit me very hard,” Binder says. “So there was an incredible emotional response.” Andrew Pettit, staff member with Athletics and Recreation, says the most telling part of the exercise for him was when the journal entry about using smallpox as a weapon was read aloud. “I was one of the individuals who died,” Pettit says. “I was told: ‘You died of smallpox.’ And I had the really visceral reaction of rage—that just don’t say I died, I was murdered.”
University of Victoria Launching ‘World’s First’ Indigenous Law Course
CTV News – April 9, 2018
Students in the program will spend their first years studying constitutional, criminal and property law, while students in third and fourth year will be dispatched to Indigenous communities to study a particular legal order and work on law-related projects. Napoleon says the program will be similar to one at McGill University, where law students learn to work within the common law of Canada and Quebec’s civil code. “They will have a complete, comprehensive legal education that will allow them to engage with the laws of Canada and with the laws of different societies,” she said.
UBC President Set to Apologize for University’s Role in Residential Schools
The Globe and Mail – April 8, 2018
“I think it’s about time. It gives recognition,” says Alfred Waugh, the Indigenous architect who designed the building. “I think it’s a way of UBC giving respect to what’s happened and then bringing this building in on campus. It’s not about an apology, though. The building is about preserving a piece of history so we don’t repeat this again.”
Residential School History Centre to Share Survivors’ Accounts, Educate Public
Times Colonist – April 8, 2018
The Indian Residential School History and Dialogue Centre opening Monday at the university will house archival photos, maps and personal accounts of survivors collected by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The digital materials will be available for survivors, their families, students and the general public to access.
Student-Designed Robots Compete for the Grand Prize
News Wire – April 7, 2018
The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science and Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities, welcomed teams from different high schools to the competition and toured the students’ robotic creations. In particular, Minister Duncan spoke with the students from Pelican Falls First Nations High School in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, who were competing in their second event with their robot Blue Bot x3.
Indigenous Students Unveil Digital Art Inspired by Cultural Objects at the Royal Ontario Museum
CBC News – April 7, 2018
Students have been working all year on their individual projects and will soon begin finalizing conceptualizations. “We see this as an opportunity to ‘requicken’ these objects, to bring them back into their role in the community,” she said. “They have work to do, the objects do. They have a story to tell and our communities have been hungry for those stories.”
Human Rights Arts Festival Showcases Indigenous short Films
Anishinabek News – April 7, 2018
KINGSTON—As part of the Isabel Human Rights Arts Festival, Queen’s University hosted An Evening of Indigenous Short Films on March 22. These films were: Nucca (Take) and Nimmikaage (She Dances for People), both directed by Michelle Latimer; Savage written and directed by Lisa Jackson; and Indictment: The Crimes of Shelly Chartier directed by Shane Belcourt and Lisa Jackson.
Indigenous Children’s Book Celebrates Book Launch, Three-Year Partnership and Sacred Medicine
Anishinabek News – April 6, 2018
The book is one of several projects that has emerged from a partnership between Shkagamik-Kwe and Public Health Sudbury & Districts (formerly the Sudbury & District Health Unit). The three-year project is communicating knowledge on the traditional teachings of the sacred tobacco. The authors Hope Osawamick, 13, her cousin Lilly-Anna, 13, Logan Daviau, 15, sisters Page, 16, and Anik Chartrand, 13, and Braeden Manitowabi-Peltier, 15, wrote the stories and drew the artwork for the book. They worked with Hilda Nadjiwan, one of Shkagamik-Kwe’s Elders, on the translation into Ojibway and on the teachings.
Whitefish River Storyteller Captivates Audience in Toronto Festival
Anishinabek News – April 6, 2018
“I think we should enhance it—prove its value and keep sharing,” Osche says. “But [what’s] really important is to keep repeating the stories so that others hear them and are able to repeat them and keep them alive that way. That’s our way of keeping our teachings and our stories alive. We repeat them over and over.”