April 15, 2020

A group of Manitobans are making sure Indigenous people get accurate health information amid the COVID-19 pandemic in their own language – and they are doing it with the help of a puppet named Kahkakiw.



Sarnia area artist shares art kits to help youth, children, parents during pandemic

April 13, 2020

An artist from the Sarnia area is sharing art kits to help youth, children, and parents remaining indoors during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.



Aamjiwnaang Heritage & Culture: E’Maawizidijig help community members learn about dodem identity

April 7, 2020

To find out who you are, you need to find out where and who you came from— that was the inspiration that brought a group of residents together in Aamjiwnaang First Nation in early March.



Visit to the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation

April 4, 2020

M’CHIGEENG FIRST NATION— Founded in 1974 with a mandate to preserve and renew Anishinabek culture, language, arts, traditions and spirituality for the people of Mnidoo Mnising and its environs, the Ojibwe Cultural Foundation (OCF) holds a museum, art gallery and gift shop, an Ojibwe immersion kindergarten and Canada’s first all Anishinaabemowin radio station.



Moving education online a work in progress for northern Ontario school boards

April 6, 2020

The District School Board Ontario North East— which runs English public schools in Hearst, Temagami, Timmins and points in between— figures that about 200 students have no internet at all and dozens of others don’t have enough bandwidth to stream videos.



Online learning begins for students across Ontario as COVID-19 closures continue

April 6, 2020

Students across Ontario began online learning Monday, more than three weeks after COVID-19 shuttered schools in the name of physical distancing.



How rural Alberta teachers are educating students who don’t have internet and computers

April 5, 2020

Antle has been sending home card-based learning games, texting and calling her students who don’t have reliable internet.
