The Registered Nurses Association (RNAO) in partnership with Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Chiefs of Ontario (COO), the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Shkaabe Makwa, the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA), and the Ontario First Nation Young Peoples Council (OFNYPC)  invite you to join us on April 20, 2021 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. (ET) for a webinar entitled “Connecting Culture, Land and Wellness to Indigenous Youth featuring guest speaker Joseph Pitawanakwat and moderated by Quinn Meawasige, Indigenous Youth and Rachel Radyk, RPN, RN Student.

The overall purpose of this webinar is to increase health care providers’ awareness of the importance of Indigenous language, community, culture and the wise practices and teachings of Elders to support well being amongst Indigenous youth. The objectives of this webinar are to facilitate knowledge exchange between Indigenous youth and health-care providers in regard to:

  • The importance of language and what language says about well being
  • How culture helps maintain well being
  • The vision of healthy Indigenous youth
  • The role of the health-care provider in supporting Indigenous youth

To register  visit:

Please feel free to share the attached flyer with your colleagues.

Indigenous focused Webinar April,2021- FLYER

We look forward to seeing you on April 20, 2021