Save the Date: AFN 4th Annual Water Symposium
Building upon the dialogue from the 3rd National Water Symposium and Tradeshow “First Nations Water Future Post-2021”, this year the theme will be “Protecting Water During Uncertain Times”.
Access to safe, clean water is more important than ever as the ongoing impacts of the pandemic highlight the uncertainty facing First Nations with respect to water. This uncertainty also includes the Government of Canada acknowledgment that their commitment to end all long-term drinking water advisories by March 2021 will not be met. In addition, looming legislation, questions around sustainable funding, and the implications of a new national water agency has only fueled questions. It is clear that access to water and sanitation is a human right that too many First Nations don’t have, in comparison to most Canadians.
The AFN Water Symposium will host virtual plenary sessions, workshops and dialogue opportunities to hear a wide range of views on long-term goals, objectives and strategies for First Nations water and wastewater future post-2021.
This Virtual Symposium will also provide an opportunity to update the existing AFN National Water Declaration and to convey to the Government of Canada and the world our goals, objectives and priorities as First Nations in the post-2021 water future.
Who should attend?
- Chiefs and Councillors or their representatives, Public Works Managers, First Nations Water and Wastewater Operators, and individuals who are working in the field of water and wastewater management.
- First Nations organizations and technicians interested in improving the ways water and wastewater infrastructure is understood, managed and delivered.
- Consultants, industry, academia and other non-governmental entities involved or interested in First Nations water issues.
AFN will be sponsoring the training for all First Nations Water and Wastewater Operators across Canada, so there will be NO COST for the training courses. For more information and registration, please click here: https://bit.ly/39RmMW7
The Symposium topics will include:
- The impact of the pandemic and the importance of water to First Nations health
- Repeal of the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act and what it means for First Nations;
- Addressing water quality issues and long and short-term drinking water advisories;
- Climate change impacts on water quality and quantity;
- Health aspects of water and quality of life;
- Solid waste, water and wastewater treatment innovative technology;
- Sustainable Water Management, Watershed and Source Water Protection;
- New approaches to training; and
- Medium and long-term trends in water issues and water governance.
For more information, please visit: https://www.afn.ca/2021-water-symposium/
Register Online: http://meetings.smudging.ca/AFN