CBC News – October 25, 2017
“It was really hard,” said Healy. “I started not coming to school and my grades started to drop.” Healy, who’s a student at Father Lacombe High School in Calgary’s northeast, was more concerned about finding a way to support himself than going to class. But Healy is one of a growing number of kids who are benefiting from a push within the Calgary Catholic School District to break down barriers facing Indigenous students and close the gap between their graduation rates and those of the rest of the population.
Kenjgewin Teg Education Institute Hosts a Bustling Career Fair Manitoulin Expositor – October 25, 2017 “It was good,” said KTEI’s Brian Bisson, organizer of the event. “We had over 240 youth taking part in six workshops throughout the day and a record number of post secondary institutions and employers for them to talk to one-on-one.” Among those giving workshops on careers were Ontario Hydro, Mnaamodzawin Health Services, The Manitoulin Expositor and the Ministry of Natural Resources (with two workshops). “We started out small,” said Mr. Bisson, “but we have been growing every year and this is our 15th year. “We have to thank the schools for participating, Little Current Public School, Assiginack Public School, Central Manitoulin Public School and Manitoulin Secondary School, we even had a school from Sagamok First Nation come all the way down from the North Shore.”
Wikwemikong High School Celebrates 20 Years
Manitoulin Expositor – October 25, 2017
WIIKWEMKOONG—On October 17, 1997, after about a decade of planning, researching, and negotiating with what was then the Department of Indian Affairs, the Wasse Abin Wikwemikong High School officially opened its doors and welcomed its first class of students. Last week, on Friday, October 20, the special occasion was marked with a 20th anniversary celebration. The community celebration brought community leaders, members and current high school staff and students together with early stakeholders and proponents, including band councillors of the day, advocates, the first principal and first-year teachers and students.
Lesson Plans Promote Indigenous History, Legacy of Residential Schools
Calgary Herald – October 24, 2017
It is critical our students understand the history of residential schools, along with the histories and vibrant cultures of Indigenous communities and the role we all have to play in reconciliation,” Eggen said during the announcement at Dr. Martha Cohen School in the deep south community of New Brighton. “It’s equally important teachers have the tools they need to feel empowered to teach this important material in the classroom as we work to prepare our students for success.” One of several resources identified within the lesson plans is Secret Path, geared towards Grade 9 English Language Arts students. The multimedia project includes a solo album by the late Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip along with a graphic novel and animated film. It is based on the true story of Chanie Wenjack, a 12-year-old Anishinaabe boy who froze to death in 1966 while trying to walk back home to Ogoki Post after escaping a residential school in Kenora, Ontario.
Saskatoon Catholic School Division Apologizes Over Crossword with Offensive Language
Saskatoon StarPhoenix – October 24, 2017
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools director of education Greg Chatlain said the teacher feels “absolutely awful” for handing out the puzzle, and that apology letters will be sent home with all students in her class. “It’s really unfortunate, to say the least, that we still have such outdated material in filing cabinets in some of our schools. This is just one of those really unfortunate incidents,” Chatlainsaid. The division is committed to a system-wide solution to ensure similar assignments are never again given out at any of its 43 elementary schools, he said.
What Western Education Didn’t Teach Me
The Walrus – October 24, 2017
Of course, I don’t think the Elders involved in these studies were naive. I think what I saw, and perhaps what they saw, was a process that could be used as a tool to generate cohesion, pride, and rebuilding within our own communities when our own people saw visually and so clearly what dispossession, displacement, encroachment, and industrial extractivism look like over our territories across time. Laid out in a visual way, the magnitude of the loss cannot be explained away, the strategic nature of colonialism cannot be ignored. The driving force of capitalism in our dispossession cannot be denied.
Whitby Students Make Connections with Indigenous Community 1,000 km Away in Northern Ontario
Durhan Region – October 23, 2017
The local kids were Skyping for the first time with kids from the northern Ontario town of Longlac, as part of a connection teachers are building between the two communities. “One thing you notice right away, is that kids are the same everywhere,” said St. Theresa teacher Loretta Traynor, as students on both sides of the screen wriggled and made faces.
Survivors Wait for Next Steps in Effort to Preserve ‘Horror Stories’ of Residential Schools
CBC News – October 22, 2017
The court gave survivors 15 years to decide whether they want their accounts preserved in an archive administered by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. If no consent is provided, the court ruled, the records must be destroyed. The question some survivors are now asking is what comes next. “There’s a lot of confusion out there,” said Mike Cachagee of Ontario Indian Residential School Support Services.
The University of Sudbury Celebrates Indigenous Scholarship Recipients
Kicx917 – October 20, 2017
On Thursday, October 19th, at 10 a.m., a ceremony was held to recognize Indigenous students who were recently awarded substantial scholarships at the University of Sudbury. A total sum of over $21,000.00 was recently awarded in scholarships. The recipients recognized this year were: Ruby Thompson, the very first recipient of the continuing $7,000 Dr. Constance Elaine Jayne Williams and Charles L. Williams Educational Trust Scholarship; Gabrielle Pellerin, who received the $7,500 Maple Grove United Church Scholarship.
Children’s Threat a Springboard for Learning
North Bay Nugget – October 20, 2017
An incident at a local elementary school earlier this week provided an opportunity to educate students about Native culture. Perry McLeod said Thursday the incident, involving a six-year-old First Nations child at a Catholic elementary school, gave members a chance to talk to students and address the issue head on. “We were able to see the children and explain things in a more positive way,” he said following a presentation involving several members of Nipissing First Nation. “We were trying to make sure kindness and goodness could take the place of a negative.”
Indigenous Justice Forum Hears Message of Education, Reconciliation
CBC News – October 20, 2017
“My message for them today was openness the ability for us to be able to change perceptions … through knowledge and education,” Milliea said. The forum was an opportunity for the Indigenous community to be able to “breakdown those barriers” associated with racism, prejudice and discrimination. And, he added, it provided the opportunity “for people to be able to learn the true history about who we are as a people.” The idea of learning from Indigenous groups is especially important for those who work in the justice system, Milliea said, to understand how to effectively work with Indigenous people and build relationships.
Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre Space Set to Expand
The Journal – October 20, 2017
“I’m feeling very upbeat and positive right now,” Hill said. “When we found out that Four Directions was going to be expanded, we were all ecstatic.” The Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre has served as a resource for Indigenous students on campus since 1996. Moving to 146 Barrie St. in 2000, it has since been used as a hub for learning about Indigenous culture through cultural programming and provides students with a safe and inclusive place to study.
A Talking Online Mi’kmaq Dictionary That Helps Preserve the Language
CBC News – October 20, 2017
Diane Mitchell of Listuguj First Nation in Quebec is one of them. She’s a Mi’kmaq language teacher and became interested in creating a resource for learners when her daughter was just a toddler. She realized the child wasn’t hearing Mi’kmaq all the time as Mitchell herself did growing up. “We were living in southern Ontario,” Mitchell said, “and I thought, ‘Hmm, what can I do to fix it?’ Initially, I was just actually going to do a small recorded database for her, and over years it grew into an online dictionary.”
“It’s Time for Canadians to Invest in the Education of Indigenous Youth”
My Toba – October 19, 2017
Roberta Jamieson, president and CEO of Indspire, says it’s time for Canadians to invest in the education of Indigenous youth. Indspire is a national charity providing educational support and programming to First Nation, Inuit and Métis students across Canada. Outside the federal government, Indspire is the largest funder of Indigenous education in Canada. In 2016-2017, through the Building Brighter Futures: Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards program, Indspire awarded $11.6 million through 3,764 awards and scholarships to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students across Canada.
‘He Really Inspired Me’
CBC News – October 19, 2017
A day after the world learned of Gord Downie’s death, his brother Mike Downie says their collaboration on an ambitious project aimed at reconciliation has motivated him to keep pushing for improved conditions within Canada’s Indigenous communities. “He’s my brother but he really inspired me, you know, he really inspired me to try to do something that could make a difference,” a sombre Downie said on CBC Radio’s Metro Morning Thursday.
Gord Downie’s Secret Path Gave ‘Exposure’ to Residential School Stories, Chanie Wenjack’s Sister Says
CBC News – October 19, 2017
“We were aware of [Secret Path], we just didn’t know how big a project it was,” Daisy Munroe said on Thursday of when the singer travelled to visit the Wenjack family and the community of Ogoki (also known as Marten Falls First Nation) last year. Downie, 53, died Tuesday night from glioblastoma, an aggressive and incurable form of brain cancer. “It was also something that my family and I and the rest of the residential school survivors have always wanted, was the exposure to what happened in the schools that we attended,” she continued.
U of G to Honour Indigenous Advocate, Agricultural Leader at Convocation
Guelph Today – October 19, 2017
Two extraordinary Canadian women — one a champion for Indigenous peoples, the other a leader in environmentally sustainable agriculture — will receive honorary degrees at the University of Guelph’s fall convocation.
Lac Seul Puts a New Twist on School Picture Day
APTN – October 19, 2017
Students said it’s an opportunity for students to learn new skills. “I just like taking photographs and all that,” said grade 8 student Nadia Trout. “It looks interesting.” Trout and her classmates are working through the process of photography. It’s one of the many projects the Lac Seul Education Authority is doing that uses local resources to teach skills and inspire students. And the school can skip paying an outside photographer thousands of dollars to come in and do it. “With this project what happens is the kids learn those skills, they learn how to take the pictures, they learn the business skills,” said Education Director Eric Bortlis. “That stays in the community plus those beautiful pictures are still here.”