Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal – Nov 20, 2015
First Nations chiefs from across Ontario are meeting this week with Liberal cabinet ministers to discuss aboriginal issues. Pegged as the Leaders in the Legislature event, the roundtable discussions are focusing on key issues including resource benefits, revenue sharing, treaty awareness, and missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.
Chiefs look at tangible next steps for education
Anishinabek News – Nov 27, 2015
The development of tangible next steps in education was raised during a meeting between First Nation leaders, INAC minister Carolyn Bennett and former prime minister Paul Martin at the Chiefs of Ontario Education Symposium. “Our meeting with the minister was about what are our tangible next steps and what are they in the immediate (time period), not waiting until the next fiscal year,” says Regional Chief Isadore Day. “We are looking at getting information, getting our processes laid out this fiscal year.”
Charting a new path: Riding the ‘warm wind’ in First Nations education begins in Thunder Bay
Chronicle Journal – Nov 27, 2015
The daunting responsibility for reinventing the governance framework has fallen to Julia Candlish, education director for the Toronto-based Chiefs of Ontario (COO). Working with the key chiefs and her staff, she has produced what is known as a “support circles framework” centred on the “First Nations learner” and designed to surround her/him with a series of “support circles.” While the proposed COO models recognize that 75 per cent of First Nations students attend provincial schools, the framework recognizes the broader education of children in “paces of learning,” in school and in the community.
Experts meet in Thunder Bay to talk education
APTN – Nov 18, 2015
Experts in the field of education gathered in Thunder Bay Tuesday to talk about education. And the people who have the power to make things happen showed up to listen in. APTN’s Wayne Rivers reports.
Ontario Regional Chief Update After Meeting with INAC Minister Bennett
Netnews Ledger – Nov 18, 2015
Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day updated the Chiefs of Ontario Education Symposium after a meeting with the federal Minister Carolyn Bennett. Chief Day said that the mood is to not waste time, and to move forward quickly. Several tables will be formed with the Minister, and what was discussed is that there must be work done across Ontario with the remote communities and the urban communities bring their needs and plans together.
‘Decade of darkness’ over for First Nations, says Ontario Regional Chief
CBC – Nov 18, 2015
Canada’s new Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett held hands, laughed and danced with Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day at a First Nations education meeting on Tuesday in Thunder Bay, Ont. “We’ve spent the last decade in darkness under a Conservative regime,” Day said. “What we’ve been doing is getting our plans prepared. We eventually understood that we would see a new day and essentially what we’re looking at here now is that opportunity.”
First Nations, leaders talk education
Thunder Bay Chronicle Journal – Nov 18, 2015
With a 30 to 50 per cent funding gap in First Nation education compared to provincial schools, former prime minister Paul Martin says Canada can’t afford to not invest in First Nation education. “What’s really wrong here is nobody would come along in any one of our major cities (or in) downtown Toronto and say ‘how can we afford to educate the people of Toronto?’” Martin said on Tuesday at the Victoria Inn during the first day of the three-day education symposium hosted by the Chiefs of Ontario.
Optimism follows Day 1 of First Nations education symposium
TBT News – Nov 18, 2015
“We have to give credit where credit is due,” said Ontario Regional Chief Isadore Day. “This Liberal government has put itself out there. It has said, ‘listen, this is what we’re committed to doing.’ What we’re hearing today is there are also commitments we’re going to make and it’s to actually to allow those commitments to move forward.”
Education Symposium 2015: Establishing a Support Framework for First Nations Education
Netnews Ledger – Nov 18, 2015
This Symposium will bring together First Nations Education Directors, Education Managers/Directors of TC’s, Education Counsellors, Chiefs, Councillors from all over Ontario. Watch the Webstream here.
COO – Nov 16, 2015
“This Education Symposium provides an opportunity for those working in First Nations education in Ontario to come together and provide input and develop recommendations to leadership on preferred First Nations education systems and frameworks,” said Grand Chief Gordon Peters of the Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (AIAI) and Chiefs of Ontario Education Portfolio holder. “We have been working hard on this initiative for several years. Now is the time for us to transform our education systems and make solid strides for our children.”